The week's events
MonMonday | TueTuesday | WedWednesday | ThuThursday | FriFriday | SatSaturday | SunSunday |
October 5, 2020 |
October 6, 2020(1 event)
10:00 am: UAS FAA Part 107 Pilot Exam prep (10am – 12pm)10:00 am: UAS FAA Part 107 Pilot Exam prep (10am – 12pm) – First Saturday of each month: UAS FAA Part 107 Pilot Exam prep (10am – 12pm) The first step in becoming a commercial drone pilot is obtaining a drone pilot's license. Drones for Hire provides all the support you need to successfully pass the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) part 107 Drone pilot exam;
*The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules for small unmanned aircraft (UAS) operations other than model aircraft –Part 107 of FAA regulations – cover a broad spectrum of commercial and government uses for drones weighing less than 55 pounds. Here are the highlights of the rule. UAS flight Training (1pm – 4pm) Our comprehensive flight training program ensures all DFH pilots meet the highest standards of safety and professionalism when operating our drones. DFH UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) flight training includes:
October 7, 2020 | October 8, 2020 | October 9, 2020 |
October 10, 2020(1 event)
10:00 am: Build a Drone Zone (10am – 4pm)10:00 am: Build a Drone Zone (10am – 4pm) – Second Saturday of each month: Build a Drone Zone (10am – 4pm) Once a month DFH experts walk members through the technology and process of building a drone. Members participate in assembly of the aircraft and learn to fly it. The new aircraft is added to the DFH fleet for members to use. The DFH warehouse facility is open to members during "Build a Drone Zone" to participate in UAS related development projects that further the industry, empower, educate, and inspire. |
October 11, 2020 |