The week's events
MonMonday | TueTuesday | WedWednesday | ThuThursday | FriFriday | SatSaturday | SunSunday |
February 1, 2021 |
February 2, 2021(1 event)
10:00 am: UAS FAA Part 107 Pilot Exam prep (10am – 12pm)10:00 am: UAS FAA Part 107 Pilot Exam prep (10am – 12pm) – First Saturday of each month: UAS FAA Part 107 Pilot Exam prep (10am – 12pm) The first step in becoming a commercial drone pilot is obtaining a drone pilot's license. Drones for Hire provides all the support you need to successfully pass the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) part 107 Drone pilot exam;
*The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules for small unmanned aircraft (UAS) operations other than model aircraft –Part 107 of FAA regulations – cover a broad spectrum of commercial and government uses for drones weighing less than 55 pounds. Here are the highlights of the rule. UAS flight Training (1pm – 4pm) Our comprehensive flight training program ensures all DFH pilots meet the highest standards of safety and professionalism when operating our drones. DFH UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) flight training includes:
February 3, 2021 | February 4, 2021 | February 5, 2021 | February 6, 2021 | February 7, 2021 |